
The Supertrend indicator shows the current trend direction of a stock using the ATR (average true range) with a multiplier. It is one of the simplest indicators to use as it displays green and red lines right next to the price action.

The strategy is to enter a long position when a green line appears, and exit when a red line appears. Shorting is the opposite: enter a short position when a red line appears, and exit when a green line appears. Simple as that.

Supertrend strategy for the SPY on the 5min timeframe
Supertrend strategy for the SPY on the 5min timeframe


Testing this strategy on the SPY has returned the following profit factors:

  • 1min: 0.914
  • 5min: 1.266
  • 15min: 1.153
  • 30min: 0.986
  • 1hour: 1.009
  • 4hour: 0.902
  • 1day: 0.798
  • Average: 1.004

The Supertrend strategy works on different timeframes, but the best ones were on the 5 minute and the 15 minute timeframes. Remember, different ticker symbols can provide different results.

TradingView Script

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